Executive Headteacher
University of Cambridge Primary School
As part of the Eddington development, the new University of Cambridge Primary School
aims to provide an inspiring learning community that is the first of its kind in the UK. The
school will offer a high quality education for children, from Reception to Year 6, that is
ambitious, innovative and inclusive for all. The aim is to nurture our children and
community to be compassionate citizens.
A unique feature of the school will be the combination of primary education with a
purpose-built research facility and the provision of professional learning for teachers. The
school will also work closely with the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education in the
provision of placements for initial teacher education trainees, and with the Faculty and
school partners in the conduct of learning-related research.
James started his career in education in the foothills of Nepal following a degree in English
and Music from the University of Durham. Following his PGCE teaching qualification, he
worked in Stratford, East London, where his passion for music, the arts and creativity led
him to being awarded the London Outstanding New Teacher of the Year in 2003. As well
as a class teacher he gained Advanced Skills Teacher status, spending several years
supporting the development of primary and secondary teachers in Newham.