Head of Innovation & Measuring Progress Division OECD
Ms Tia Loukkola works at the OECD as the Head of Innovation and Measuring Progress
Division. She leads the Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI), which has
particular focus on emerging trends and issues in education and aims to set a forwardlooking and innovative agenda for a changing education landscape. OECD’s work on
education indicators and elaboration of the OECD flagship publication of Education at
Glance are also part of the division.
Prior to starting at the OECD in October 2021 Ms Loukkola worked at the European
University Association (EUA) in Brussels, Belgium, where she served as Director of EUA’s
Institutional Development Unit leading quality assurance, learning and teaching, and
recognition activities before being appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the
A Finnish national, Ms Loukkola holds a Master’s Degree in French Language and Culture
from the University of Turku, Finland.