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Personnel 3 Columns

Wei Jun

TsingHua University, China

Alex Repenning

Hasler Professor and Chair of Computer Science Education at the School of Teacher Education at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

Richard Dunne

Director - The Harmony Project

Ana Teresa Ferreira Oliveira

Pro-President, Pedagogical innovation and curricular flexibility, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Janette Hughes

Professor and Canada Research Chair, Technology and Pedagogy, in the Faculty of Education, Ontario Tech

Nia Richards

Without Space

Personnel 4 Columns

Wei Jun

TsingHua University, China

Alex Repenning

Hasler Professor and Chair of Computer Science Education at the School of Teacher Education at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

Richard Dunne

Director - The Harmony Project

Ana Teresa Ferreira Oliveira

Pro-President, Pedagogical innovation and curricular flexibility, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Personnel With Carousel

  • Wei Jun

    TsingHua University, China
  • Alex Repenning

    Hasler Professor and Chair of Computer Science Education at the School of Teacher Education at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
  • Richard Dunne

    Director - The Harmony Project
  • Ana Teresa Ferreira Oliveira

    Pro-President, Pedagogical innovation and curricular flexibility, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
  • Janette Hughes

    Professor and Canada Research Chair, Technology and Pedagogy, in the Faculty of Education, Ontario Tech
  • Nia Richards

  • Joyeeta Das

    Lead & Strategist, Global Education and Workforce Development
  • Simon Klein

    Science Officer, Office for Climate Education
  • James Biddulph

    Executive Headteacher University of Cambridge Primary School
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Personnel With Carousel

  • Wei Jun

    TsingHua University, China
  • Alex Repenning

    Hasler Professor and Chair of Computer Science Education at the School of Teacher Education at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
  • Richard Dunne

    Director - The Harmony Project
  • Ana Teresa Ferreira Oliveira

    Pro-President, Pedagogical innovation and curricular flexibility, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
  • Janette Hughes

    Professor and Canada Research Chair, Technology and Pedagogy, in the Faculty of Education, Ontario Tech
  • Nia Richards

  • Joyeeta Das

    Lead & Strategist, Global Education and Workforce Development
  • Simon Klein

    Science Officer, Office for Climate Education
  • James Biddulph

    Executive Headteacher University of Cambridge Primary School